General Contracting


A circular saw for a carpentry icon


We have a strong, reliable, talented team of carpenters, foreman’s, and a project manager with over 15 years of experience.

We provide our clients with a full-service experience from the start of a project to the end.

A house icon for Property Maintenance


We provide comprehensive property maintenance services for commercial and municipal properties across Ontario.

Everything from your building to the edge of your property is part of our roster of services.

An industrial building icon for Industrial and Commercial Renovation


We provide comprehensive renovation solutions for industrial, commercial, and Office renovation properties across Ontario.

Please call or email us today to discuss your next project.

A pencil and ruler in cross position for design


Are you looking for a simple approach to construction?

William Sons provides owners with a single point of contact for both the design and construction phases of a project. From estimations, assessments, and pre construction we help can Streamline at every aspect.

Check out our current projects on our Portfolio page here!